Many factors can influence life expectancy (). The adjustments given below will change the figure quoted above - complete as many as you wish and click 'Recalculate LE' to see the effect:

Genetic Factors
1st or 2nd degree relative who died of cardiovascular disease before age 50
1st or 2nd degree relative who died of cardiovascular disease after age 51
Personal Factors (1)
Body Mass Index (Lancet Apr 2009) (2)
Smoking (BMJ June 2004) (3)
Alcohol (J Epid Com Health Apr 2009) (4)
Exercise (NEJM Aug 2005, Arch int Med Nov 2005) (5)



  1. The effects of lifestyle factors are complex and mixed. For example the article published in the Journal of Epidemiology and clinical health does show that long-term light alcohol intake lowers cardiovascular and all cause mortality and increases life expectancy. However there are multiple respected studies that show alcohol intake (even light) increases the risk of other diseases such as cancer.
    It is also difficult to take into account how the individual personal risk factors inter-relate - there may be compounded effects not taken into account by the above calculations
  2. BMI is calculated by working out your weight in kilograms and dividing this by your height in metres-squared (kg / m2)
  3. The effects of smoking are more pronounced in men. The amount of life lost may be 10-30 yrs or more as certain individuals are more susceptible to smoking than others. The message is simple - don't smoke, and if you do - stop.
  4. See point 1 above
  5. The Daily Physical Activity Score is calculated as follows:
    • Estimate how long you spend in a typical day at various levels of activity: sleeping, resting, or engaging in light, moderate, or heavy physical activity.
    • Multiply the time spent in each activity by the following
      • sleeping, 1;
      • for being sedentary, 1.1;
      • for light activity, 1.5;
      • for moderate activity, 2.4; and for
      • heavy activity, 5.
    • Finally, sum all of the weighted hours for each level of activity. The minimum possible score is 24 for a participant sleeping 24 hours a day.
    • Examples include:
      Office Job, no exercise, drive to work (26 - LOW)
      Office Job, 1 hour in gym/run per week, walk to work (30.3 - MOD)
      Office Job, 3 hours gym/run, drive to work (37.3 - HIGH)
      Outside job (not heavy work), no additional exercise (28.8 - LOW)
      Heavy outside job, no exercise (36 - HIGH)
      Heavy outside job, 3 hours exercise (47.7 - HIGH)